About the Journal
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura (JEBAV) has its mission of being one of the leading journals in Economics, Business and Accountancy. JEBAV is a double blind peer-reviewed international journal with international members of editorial boards. The Journal has been published since 1999 with its ISSN, and in 2023, it was accredited by the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti), Jakarta, with its accreditation No: 79/E/KPT/2023. It was formerly issued twice a year and since 2009 it has been issued quarterly, in (April-July), (August-November), and (December-March). This journal is published by The Research Center and Community Services (PPPM), Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (STIE Perbanas Surabaya), collaborating with the Indonesian Institute of Accountants - Educator Accountants Compartment (IAI-KAPd) and Indonesian Management Forum (FMI). Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura (JEBAV), with registered number ISSN: 2087-3735, ISSN (online): 2088-785X. This Journal has been indexed by SINTA, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Dimensions, Crossref Metadata, GARUDA, WorldCat.
Current Issue
Readiness for Change in the Hospitality Industry in Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14414/jebav.v27i1.3033
Abstract views: 38
Journal title | : Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura |
Initial | : JEBAV |
Prefix DOI | : 10.14414 |
Online ISSN | : 2088-785X |
Printed ISSN | : 2087-3735 |
Editor In Chief | : Abu Amar Fauzi |
Publisher | : Research Center and Community Services (PPPM) |
Organizer | : Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas |
Frequency | : 3 issues per year (April-July), (August-November), and (December-March) |
First publication year | : 1999 |
Editorial address | : Jl. Wonorejo No.16, Wonorejo, Kec. Rungkut, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60296 |
Telephone | : +62 31 5992985 |
: ventura@perbanas.ac.id |