Author Guidelines



Effective from Volume 23, No. 1, 2020


The Policy of Writing

The objective of this journal publication is to increase the quality of science and enhance the interest in disseminating knowledge by the academicians, students, practitioners and other interested parties. The editors are open to receiving the research articles related to economics, business, and accounting. The Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura (JEBAV) is published quarterly, in (April-July), (August-November), and (December-March).

The articles submitted should undergo blind reviewing. Therefore, upon receipt, all articles are reviewed based on criteria such as compliance with the specified writing style format, appropriateness of the topic, relevance of the research method, significance and contribution to the science and professions pertaining to economics, business, and accounting, and recency of the references. Reviews are conducted by a team of blind reviewers. The reviewers have rights to select and judge the articles, and finally forward the results to the authors. The journal also uses anti plagiarism software to check the originality of the articles.


  1. The submitted articles are considered for publication if they have not been published previously, nor are they under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. Authors are free to choose whether to use standard Indonesian or English, but articles written in Indonesian will be subject to translation fees.
  3. The submitted articles should be written in 1 (one) column format, between 10 and 20 pages, using Microsoft Word on A4 paper size.
  4. The articles should be submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) website at


An outline of writing an article is as follows: (1) Title, (2) Abstract, (3) Introduction, (4) Theoretical framework and hypothesis (if any), (5) Research method, (6) Data analysis and discussion, (7) Conclusion, implication, suggestion and limitation, (8) References, and (9) appendices (if any). Following are the details for each segment:

1. Title of the Article

It should reflect the content and be written in Book Antiqua font, 16-pt size, bold, sentence case. Use the terms commonly used in the research report and avoid abbreviations and formulae.

2. Names of Author and Affiliates

The author's full name, without a title, is written in Book Antiqua font, 12-pt size, with regular type. The corresponding author is given an asterisk (*) and the e-mail address is placed on the first page's footnote.

3. Abstract

It should include research objectives, methods, results, and implications and be written in one paragraph consisting of 150-200 words using Book Antiqua font, 9-pt size, italic, and justified paragraph. It should be written in both English and Indonesian. For authors who are unable to write abstract in Indonesian version, the editor will provide assistance.

4. Keyword

It includes 2-5 keywords written in Book Antiqua font, 9-pt size, and in italic.

5. Introduction

It should be about one page containing the background, brief review of previous literature, research gap, and urgency and novelty of the study. It is written without subheading in Book Antiqua font, 10-pt size, with regular type.

6. Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis (If Any)

It describes the previously related studies as the primary sources. The use of secondary sources of references should not dominate the total references. Quotation should not exceed one paragraph and/ or is the gist of the source quoted, written in Book Antiqua font, 10-pt size, with regular type.

7. Research Method

It contains the research procedures, sampling and data collection techniques, and data analysis methods which are presented briefly and concisely and written in Book Antiqua font, 10-pt size, with regular type.

8. Data Analysis and Discussion

This segment presents the analysis of the related results, theories, and hypotheses (if any) based on the author's reasoning. Data analysis and discussion should be presented briefly and clearly and not be dominated by the presentation of tables. The discussion includes the presentation and interpretation of results that are conveyed logically and are linked to relevant reference sources. The discussion presents the findings or analysis of research results by comparing with the theory or previous relevant research, or with reality in the field. The discussion also includes the author's views related to the research findings. The tables, figures, and charts presented should not be the rough output but in the processed and brief summary written in Book Antiqua font, 10-pt size, with regular type.

9. Conclusion, Implication, Suggestions, and Limitations

The conclusion is the closing of the article which contains the essence and reasons for the author to conduct the research. The conclusion should be based on evidence taken and presented by the author and written in paragraphs. Implications, limitations, and suggestions are also presented in paragraphs without numbering and written in Book Antiqua font, 10-pt size, with regular type.

10. Table Presentation

The tables should be numbered according to the order in which they are presented (e.g. Table 1. etc.). The source of the table is written below the table, while the number and title of the table are written above the table. The table number is written in Book Antiqua font, 9-pt size, with bold type, while the table name is written in Book Antiqua font, 9-pt size, with regular type, and centered.

11. Figure

The figures should be numbered according to the order in which they are presented (e.g. Figure 1. etc.). The source, number and title of the figure are written below the figure. The figure number is written in Book Antiqua font, 9-pt size, with bold type, while the figure name is written in Book Antiqua, 9pt, with regular type, and centered.

12. Mathematical Equations

Mathematical equations should be written clearly using Ms. Office or other applications that can be edited (not images that are the result of cropping). The formula is numbered on the right side in Book Antiqua font, 10-pt size, with regular type.

13. References

All that is referred to in the text must be included in the reference list and vice versa. Bibliographies must contain references from primary sources, especially articles from reputable international journals published in last five years. References in the form of student thesis, student journals or blogs are not allowed. Reference writing uses reference managers such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, or Refwork and so on. The style of reference writing follows the APA Style, in Book Antiqua font, 9-pt size, with regular type.

Examples of how to write references are as follows.


Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2016). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). London: Sage publications.

Book chapter

Bernstein, D. (1995). Transportation planning. In W.F, Chen (Ed.). The civil engineering handbook, (pp. 231-261). Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Journal Article

Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 50(2), 179-211


Bourassa, S. & Smith, T. T. (1999). Effects of child care on young children. In Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the International Society for Child Psychology (pp. 44-6)

Website (Source from the internet)

Albanese, A 2009,  Fairer compensation for air travellers, media release, 29 January, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, viewed 30 January 2009,<>.

Working Paper

Rathbun, A. H. (2003). Young children's access to computers in the home and at school in 1999 and 2000. National Center for Education Statistics, viewed 4 November 2013, <>.


Ronald, W. (2019). Indonesia Economic Quarterly: Investing in People (December 2019 ed., pp. 1-76). Jakarta: World Bank.

14. Appendices (If any)

Appendices consist of research instruments, supporting data, pictures, and others that support the articles and help readers understand the research articles.